Having a toothache?
Toothaches can indicate an issue such as a large cavity, injury or crack in your tooth. When your tooth hurts, there is usually injury to the nerve within the tooth. At some point, the nerve becomes so injured that it needs to be removed to prevent bacteria and infection from occurring. A root canal accomplishes this goal to get you out of pain and prevent infection and swelling.
Some signs and symptoms you may need a root canal include: throbbing pain, a toothache which wakes you up at night, extreme sensitivity to hot and cold, sensitivity to chewing, and swelling in the gums, cheeks, or face.
A painless way to save your tooth
Root canals are an alternative to pulling out teeth. It is a painless procedure which involves cleaning and disinfecting the inside of your tooth and its roots. The tooth is then sealed and a final filling or crown is placed.