Nightguards: a simple solution to prevent tooth wear


Clenching and grinding your teeth, also known as bruxism, is very common and can lead to pain, sensitivity and destruction of your teeth.

Some signs and symptoms that you may be clenching or grinding include:

  • audible teeth grinding in your sleep

  • wear on all the teeth

  • waking up with dull headaches

  • sore jaw

  • generalized teeth sensitivity

  • fatigue from lack of sleep

Over time, bruxism can lead to loss of enamel, broken or chipped teeth, and sometimes loss of teeth.

nightguard, splint, bruxism

We design custom fit nightguards to protect your teeth from wear and breaking down due to clenching and grinding.

Having a custom fit nightguards compared to a store bought guard allows us to ensure your bite is balanced and can be made as thin as possible for your comfort.

Wearing a night guard every night protects your teeth and relax the jaw muscles to reduce jaw soreness and headaches related to clenching and grinding.

It also helps to prevent extensive breakdown of teeth which may require full mouth reconstructions in the future.